
Important Info on Volunteering

We are excited to announce that our school is now using Voly, a new volunteer management system! If you are interested in volunteering on campus, please visit austinisd.voly.org to complete a quick background check.

This process is required for all volunteers, field trip chaperones, etc. and will help us ensure a safe and secure environment for our students. Thank you for your support and participation!


Parental Involvement Policy

This policy describes how our school will partner with parents to support student academic achievement.

  1. Learning Compact. Sunset Valley Elementary (SSV) will work with parents to develop a learning compact that outlines how parents, the school, and students will share the responsibility for student academic achievement.
  2. SSV Responsibilities:
    1. Curriculum. At back-to-school night and during parent-teacher conferences, SSV will provide all parents a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
    2. Communication. SSV will:
      1. Conduct at least two parent-teacher conferences each year;
      2. Provide frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress. This may include: progress reports, report cards, telephone calls, notes, and newsletters; and
      3. Provide parents reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities.
    3. Parent Education.
      1. Coffee Chats. The Principal will provide monthly information sessions to parents covering a wide-range of academic and social-emotional topics. 
    4. Accessibility. The school will provide all important communications in both Spanish and English.
    5. Distribution. SSV will distribute the Parent Involvement Policy and Learning Compact to each family within the first nine-weeks of the school year.
  3. Parent Input. Parents will be given the opportunity to provide input and make recommendations regarding the Campus Improvement Plan, the Title I program, the Parent Involvement Policy, and the Learning Compact through the Campus Advisory Council, parent-teacher conferences, and at parent-teacher association (PTA) meetings.

Important Dismissal Reminders

We need your help to ensure everyone stays safe while keeping traffic flowing as smoothly as possible. Please read the items below and follow them very carefully:

  • All walkers and car riders must go to the front of the building for dismissal.

  • Students are not allowed to cross the circular drive or go to the back parking lot alone. Children must be escorted by an adult.

  • NO PARKING ON JONES ROAD – Sunset Valley Police will ticket any cars parked on Jones Road in front of the school.

  • There are also parking restrictions on Reese Drive and the east side of Pillow Road in front of the first two houses. The first 50 feet will remain a no parking zone (no parking anytime). Beyond this point, on both sides of the street, there will be a new parking restriction which extends the distance of the first two lots which restricts any parking between the hours of 7am and 8:15am; and 1:30 pm to 3:30pm, unless a residential parking permit is displayed. Each resident will be given parking permits, so they can have a vehicle (or guest) parked during the restricted hours, but no other parking will be allowed during the morning and afternoon times. (the times match the school zone hours on Jones Road.) There will not be a restriction on the west side of Pillow Road.

  • Please do not attempt to park in the back parking lot. We need to keep this closed for buses and daycare vans ONLY. We have had several instances in the past of children almost being hit by cars going around buses in the parking lot.

  • Do not use the back parking lot as a cross walk. Please use sidewalks to walk your child to your car.

  • When driving in the circle drive, please form a line in the right lane ONLY. The left side is for driving out of line after you have picked up your child.

  • PLEASE BE PATIENT and keep the line moving by pulling all the way to the front. Your child should walk down the sidewalk to meet you if you happen to pass them.

Please remember, ALL of our students are precious to us and keeping ALL of them safe is our primary concern.


Breakfast In the Classroom

ALL students will have the opportunity to eat breakfast in the classroom FREE of charge after our 7:30 am morning assembly. Students will be offered a hot entree along with a choice of juice or fruit and milk. PLEASE be sure your child arrives by 7:45 each morning so they can participate AND so they are not marked as absent for part of a day.

Desayuno en el Aula comienza el 5 de enero

Comenzando el 5 de enero, el desayuno ya no será servido del 7-7:30. En cambio, proveerán a TODOS los estudiantes de K a 5to grado desayuno EN EL AULA

Se les ofrecerá un platillo principal conjuntamente con su selección entre jugo o fruta o leche. Por favor asegúrese de que su hijo llegue a tiempo a las 7:45 am todas las mañanas para que participen de esta actividad Y para que no sean marcados con una falta de una parte del día.