Cheetah News
Gifted and Talented Nominations
The Gifted and Talented (GT) referral window is now open and will remain open until October 7. To learn more about GT services and to submit a referral,Oportunidades de aprendizaje para padres y familias en educación especial / Special Education Parent & Family Learning Opportunities
2024-2025 Calendario de Educación Especial y Sección 504 Hora de Empoderamiento Familiar / 2024-2025 Special Education and Section 504 Family Empower Hour CalendarNew AISD App - Download Today!
Austin ISD is excited to announce the launch of the Austin ISD Mobile App-the one place to get real-time district news, individual campus notifications, parent and student resources, district calendars and much more.Calendar of Events
Back to School Night / Noche de Regreso a Clases
Deber de Buscar al Niño / Child Find Training
Deber de Buscar al Niño / Child Find Training
Sunset Valley Cheetahs are AISD Proud
100% Early College High School Designation
30 CTE Pathways
100% SEL Seed Campus
2 P-TECHS (2020-2021)
100% Recognized by U.S. News & World Report
35+ Professional/Work Certifications
Today, I commit to my education. I do so realizing that a lot is expected of me. I do so knowing that I will have to study and work hard. I do so wanting to avoid anyone and anything that will tempt me not to succeed. I do so in respect and honor of the History Makers who have paved a way for me.