50th Anniversary Celebration

Call out for previous SVE alumni (students, staff, or parents). If you or anyone you know has had an affiliation to Sunset Valley Elementary, please forward them this link so we can highlight them as part of the program we will be presenting during our final 50th celebration. Spanish link

The week of April 18th we will kick off our 50th anniversary celebrations. Start the week with fun dress up across the decades days and end the week with a school wide virtual assembly with special guests, and end the celebrations during Cheetah Fest April 23rd with a Special Program starting at 3:00pm in our cafeteria. Click here for a flyer with more information.

If you are interested in volunteering with decorating or help organize, please email claudia.shudic@austinisd.org or marizza.marquez@austinisd.org We need help decorating and someone to coordinate the reception for special guests and alumni.

"What SVE Means to You" Videos Needed! Deadline: April 18

Tell us "What SVE Means to You": We would like students, staff (past & present), families and community members to make a short video to be shared during the SVE anniversary celebration.

To submit your video, visit: https://tinyurl.com/SVE50